The team | L’équipe

cropped-img_20150819_192434-1Doug Miller taught English in Malawi from 1968 to 1972. He was active in the anti-apartheid movement in Canada from the early 1970s and coordinated CUSO’s support for the liberation movements in Southern Africa including the struggle to remove Malawian dictator, Dr. Banda from power. Now retired, he is active in sustainable development activities in rural Malawi with the Makupo Development Group and has recently co-authored a book entitled, Malawi’s Lost Years, 1964-1994 about the abuses of power during the Banda years. He has been a regular co-host of the show for the past 15 years or so.

Gwen Schulman co-founded Amandla! in the late ‘80s in response to racist and misleading mainstream media coverage of Southern Africa. At the time she was the coordinator of the anti-apartheid South Africa Committee at McGill University. Since then, she has worked with the team to expand the show’s mandate to cover the entire continent, to take stories past the headlines of the mainstream media to show the complexity, creativity, courage and vision of Africans as they confront their colonial past and neo-colonial present.

Our other regular and less regular collaborators include Sama Elibyari, Mouloud Idir, Roberto Nieto, Zahra Moloo and Sophie Toupin